For the last part of the year, students looked at the use of models in discovery. We read the article, "Everyday Mysteries" highlighting black boxes as the term for systems that are hard to see and explain. Models are tools used to show explanations of these mysterious inner workings. Students also read The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins and learned how models develop over time and change with new information. Students were then introduced to their own black boxes. They worked to observe these hidden systems and created their own conceptual and physical models to explain what was happening inside the box. Just like scientists don't have a cheat sheet that can be checked at the end of the day, students had to prove or disprove their hypothesis just from comparing models and never actually got to open the box!
After completing the black box investigation, students looked at using the design process in the development of the automobile. Students read the article " Early Autos" to learn the history of their development. They then began the design of their own free rolling go carts that they were able to revise and test for distance. We also did research on "What Makes Things Move?" and tried tweaking our designs to include a self-propelled factor. We celebrated our last day together by competed in a QuizetLive review game to earn first pick at supplies for the edible car challenge.
For math, we took a look at the Chinese expanded notation system. This system brought us back to the mysterious writing on the Moli Stone that we were finally able to crack! I will certainly miss this wonderful group! I am so proud of all they have accomplished, their love of learning, and the community they have built with each other.